Pain Management
At Point of Origin we know countless residents of Spokane and surrounding areas suffer from chronic pain. Back or neck pain, knee pain, headaches, pain in the shoulder; all of these and more can impact your quality of life. For many people, the answer is not potentially addictive prescription pain medicines or other treatments that address symptoms, but therapies focused on improving health and uncovering the root cause of the pain.
Acupuncture, herbal remedies and other treatments/therapies frequently used in “natural” or traditional Chinese medicine have proven effective and are trusted more and more by practitioners of modern medicine today. In some cases, pain management may involve a combination of Western medicine and therapies used in natural medicine for the best outcomes. We find that patients prefer treatment that focuses on restoring health in the body, rather than “masking” symptoms that result in pain. Various herbs promote health, reduce stress, help reduce pain and inflammation, while acupuncture balances the “qi” or energy in the various systems of the body, promotes blood flow, clears vital pathways and supports proper functioning of organs, cells and more.
The human body has an amazing ability to heal itself not only from pain, but a wide spectrum of health conditions and diseases. Stress, lifestyle, diet and environmental factors all play a significant role in your overall health and well-being. Acupuncture, massage and oriental herbs are all effective not only for reducing stress and anxiety, but for relieving pain and restoring health in a way that is natural and non-invasive.
From arthritis, fibromyalgia and carpal tunnel syndrome to sciatica, chronic back or neck pain, tendonitis and other conditions, we tailor our pain management treatments and therapies to your individual needs. Whether you suffer from acute or chronic pain, we urge those in Spokane and nearby cities to contact Point of Origin now at 509- 928-2777 today for relief.
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