Summer Update
Well Summer is in full swing now! I am busy and life is good. I am 6 months into my Clinical Doctorate program in Los Angeles and I feel pretty good. I still need to do clinical hours at a few clinics but beside that I am keeping up. I have had an average of […]
Happy New Year
Happy New Year. I am starting my Doctorate program this weekend and I am very busy with my preparations. Today my website crashed, and insurance companies caused me nothing but grief. I am ready for a new day. I have treated a lot of new patients with some amazing success stories this last quarter. I […]
August 24, 2009
Well, August is almost over and I have not even completed all the changes to my website. I am very slow to finish. The time races by and I have had a lot of fun at the office the summer. June through August has been very pregnant times, for many women and to some extent […]
Summer News
Well it is a hot and terrific summer. We have had 5 pregnancies in June and 4 in July. Its a great time to conceive. I have also noticed some great improvements with our PCOS cases, a regular cyle is a beautiful thing!! My web page is undergoing some changes so I will be shifting […]
Happy May to all! This has been a great month with 5 successful pregnancies and 4 birth announcements received. The women doing acupuncture here as well as IVF with Dr Robbins have all completed their cycles so far we are awaiting results on one more to have all successful pregnancies. I have been to visit […]
March Madness
Well, the weather here in Spokane leaves a lot to be desired. On day its snowing.. then windy.. then rainy. It has been really quite awful. In this tumultuous climate headaches have become a prominant issue with chronic aches and pains flaring up. Acupuncture is very effective at relieving these ailments for many clients. On […]
Well its February and time is rushing by. I have been busy helping women through their in-vitro regiments with great success. February has brought us 3 more pregnancies through natural means. It is very exciting so see more studies published that have proved the benefits of acupuncture with in-vitro. A large study was just included […]
Thankful Fall Greetings
Fall has brought us more pregnancies and a whole lot of deliveries. I hope to update my site with some baby pictures soon and some new testimonials. It has been a very fruitful fall. Acupuncture and herbs can help women undergoing any ART or IVF treatments. It is so exciting to see couples experience new […]
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